In Indonesia we call Prawn Crackers Krupuk, but in Malay or in Singapore it's called Keropok. Just thought I'd clarify this
Anyway, I'm rather lazy to fry Krupuk, eventhough now that I think about it there's not much to it except heating up oil and frying. And usually I'll leave the Krupuk frying for when my Mum comes to visit, usually she does this before frying something else. She says this is a good way to save your oil because the oil is still clean before you fry something else. So it's ideal for Krupuk frying.
I have microwaved Krupuk before but had 'forgotten' about it till not long ago when Caelyn kept on insisting on 'Puk Puk'. Look I know it's not so healthy for her, but anywho I wanted some too, so I proceeded to microwave the Krupuks. To me personally I think they taste pretty good microwaved because you don't have that oily taste and your fingers don't get all greasy (and you can kid yourself that it's healthier). But there are people, like my brother, who doesn't really like it cooked in this way because it tastes drier. The only downside I see to cooking in the microwave is that it doesn't 'expand' as much as if you fried it in oil and usually the edges don't get cooked so you'll have to take the hard edges off before eating it. And also you have to keep a very close eye on them as they cook, because they cook really fast, like about 40 seconds for about 5-6 pieces (these are the big Indonesian Krupuks) and if you don't keep an eye on them they will char and burn.
On the upside, I like that you can just cook small batches as and when you feel like eating them rather than fry a big batch and leaving it in a jar for days (or even weeks till they go soggy)..

microwaved krupuk

uncooked krupuk

Ny Siok brand. This is 'the' brand to buy if you're looking for uncooked prawn crackers.