Last week as Annual Pass holders We were given an preview of the reopening of the Battlestar Gallactica roller coaster ride. The preview was held at night 8-11pm. Hubby had been waiting forever for this ride to reopen.
The rest of the park was closed off and only Sci Fi city was open. It wasn't crowded at all and there was hardly any line at all.
Because we had C with us we both had to take turns. Hubby was first up - main reason obviously being I was scared stiff and needed to work up the courage. I'm not much of a chicken usually, I've been on The Mummy ride and most other roller coasters in other theme parks but this one is said to be the tallest duelling coaster in the world so I wasn't even sure I could brave it.
I watched the coasters go round and round several times each time telling myself it's not so bad....I already knew I wouldn't take the one where your feet dangled (that's the Cylon), thought the other one (the Human) was 'the tamer' one. I thought it looked slower than the other one.
So when it came to my turn to go ride I was so nervous and really almost chickened out. I just kept telling myself that I should just try once. There were little kids on the ride for goodness sakes. Well I completely lost it as soon as we went down the first drop. It was scary as hell and I screamed louder than I thought cos after I got off the ride, wobbly knees aside, my throat was sore! And I was the only one screaming in my row!!!
So in short, if you are a roller coaster fanatic you absolutely must ride this coaster. If you're a little daring just try once.
I'm not sure if I'd dare to go back on...perhaps day time would be less scary and I know wat to expect now so I 'should' be able to keep my eyes open for the whole ride....