This trip is basically for us to spend time with my family while Edmund is off at re-service for his army for a few weeks. I can't remember the last time I spent this long in Jakarta, think maybe after I graduated high school in '97?
We came on Tiger Airways. It was our first time on Tiger and we had expected it to be the same as Air Asia that we took to Bali from Jakarta last time. Boy were we wrong. Firstly Tiger departs from Singapore's Budget Terminal, which in itself isn't too bad at all. There's lots of food and a handful of shops inside and a mini playground to keep the kids occupied. It even has a rather large 7-Eleven inside. The plane ride wasn't that pleasant and I was very disappointed. Slight turbulence aside the space between the seats on the plane was excruciatingly small! It was horrible - I started to feel claustrophobic! Secondly on AirAsia planes the seats were leather seats. And on checking with my folks they said the flights to Singapore from Jakarta are also leather seats. We got jipped! For some reason I'd assumed the other budget airlines would be just like AirAsia - now I understand why Tiger has the cheapest tickets around. I just 'love' how they say "For the convenience of other passengers please do not consume outside food." So...unless i change my mind in the future....I think I'll pass on taking Tiger Airways again to another destination. I'm not trying to be stuck up, I just think comfort is important. Even my parents said Jetstar was still better.
Edmund and a couple of our friends came for the first week. Now it's so quiet without them and Caelyn misses her Daddy so much, keeps asking for him everyday and cried on the first night when she had to sleep.
Now that everybody's gone, Caelyn suddenly had the stomach flu and we've been stuck at home for almost a week now. Strangely enough I actually don't mind staying at home too much! Just great that we went out already to a lot of places in the first week.
So here are the pics so far...
Awesome Food

Great Company

Daddy and Popo and Uncle WK buying snacks.
Interesting Places
Interesting feature. The liquor bottles are upside down.
somebody's going down!
'snow' falling down. Interestingly enough it's not soapy.
Hand painted mural under a bridge advertising for a rice brand.